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Discover Your Tarot Birth Card – Enter Your Birthdate Below

Tarot Cards:

Best Tarot Birth Card Calculator: All 22 Major Arcana

Discover the mystical connection between your birth date and the tarot’s profound wisdom with your Tarot Birth Cards Calculator!

Unravel the secrets behind your personality, strengths, challenges, and the cosmic influence shaping your destiny with your tarot birth card calculator.

Your tarot birth card calculator masterfully deciphers all 22 Major Arcana cards, offering you personalized insights into your life’s journey.

Whether you’re a tarot enthusiast or new to the major and minor arcana, prepare to be amazed by the revelations your tarot birth card calculator holds. Embark on an enlightening path today and unlock the mysteries of your existence with unparalleled accuracy. Welcome to a world of self-discovery and empowerment!

Understanding your tarot Birth Card Calculator

The tarot birth card calculator calculates your birth cards.

Your birth cards are two major arcana tarot cards that represent central themes and pathways for your life, revealed in numerology from your birth date.

Below are the meanings of all the 22 major arcana as Birth Cards to provide deeper self-knowledge and direction.

the magician tarot card as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition 1

The Magician as a Birth Card

As The Magician, you have incredible potential to manifest your ambitions into reality with skill and dexterity. However, be mindful not to manipulate situations or people for selfish ends. Hold the highest intention.

the high priestess as a birth cardyou have powerful intuition guidi ng you to uncover hidden truths 3

The High Priestess as a Birth Card

You have powerful intuition guiding you to uncover hidden truths. Trust in the unknown and your inner wisdom, not just rational facts. But also balance your need for secrets and solitude with open communication.

the high priestess as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beau 1

The Empress as a Birth Card

The nurturing Empress energy makes you deeply connected to Mother Earth and valuing home, relationships and abundance. Practice setting loving boundaries around your giving nature.

the emperor as a birth card with a crown of gold and bling thug by jacob lawrence and francis pi 1 1

The Emperor as a Birth Card

As a natural leader, you direct others with strength and compassion. Avoid becoming rigidly fixed in your ways or beliefs. Adaptability and democratic principles better serve growth.

the hierophant as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautifu 4

The Hierophant as a Birth Card

Conventional wisdom and education guide your approach to life. While honoring tradition, beware of being dogmatic. Remain open-minded to think for yourself.

the lovers as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful de 1

The Lovers as a Birth Card

As one who loves intensely and passionately, you yearn for relationship, intimacy and connection with others. Don’t lose your individual identity in partnerships. Cultivate first loving yourself.

the chariot as a birth card this chariot is pulled by a lion tiger and a spinx with lanterns by ja 1 1

The Chariot as a Birth Card

This card of determination suggests a driver personality guided by your visions and ambitions. But beware of control issues. Practice flexibility rather than insisting on your own way.

strength as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful deta 2

Strength as a Birth Card

With great fortitude for overcoming challenges, persevere yet avoid entitlement or dominance over others. Cultivate compassion and emotional intelligence in using your personal power.

the buff old walking with a lantern hermit as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia 1

The Hermit as a Birth Card

Your inner light fuels a solitary path to seek truth through contemplation, study and inner work. Maintain interest and involvement with others, rather than extreme alienation.

the wheel of fortune as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition be 3

The Wheel of Fortune as a Birth Card

Change comes easily to you as life constantly refreshes itself. But discomfort with instability may generate excessive risk-taking. Practice non-attachment and faith to ride the cycles.

justice as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful deta 1

Justice as a Birth Card

Objectivity, ethics and balance guide your approach. But your ideals may limit mercy and compassion. Temper judgments with understanding we all have light and dark within us.

the hanged man as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautifu

The Hanged Man as a Birth Card

You have a unique perspective in tuning into subtleties and thinking outside the box. Avoid over-reflecting vs. acting. Trust your unconventional insights to contribution.

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Death as a Birth Card

Like the phoenix, you experience renewal through periodically shedding old ways of being. But beware clinging to outgrown situations out of sentimentality or fear of loss. Allow transformation.

temperance as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful de

Temperance as a Birth Card

You integrate opposites well with patience and moderation. Avoid extremes and value harmony. But also cultivate your own inner stability vs. just pleasing others.

the devil as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful det

The Devil as a Birth Card

Shadow aspects like addiction, jealousy and unhealthy attachments may challenge you until brought into the light through self-awareness. Shine light on shadows.

the tower of babble tower as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect compositio 4 1

The Tower as a Birth Card

Sudden, intense transformations shape your journey. Release the need to control against uncertainty. Setbacks make room for rebuilding newly.

the star as a birth card you generously uplift others with positivity and faith avoid depletion or 1 1

The Star as a Birth Card

You generously uplift others with positivity and faith. Avoid depletion or martyrdom in giving to others before nourishing yourself first. Shine your light.

the moon as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful de 2

The Moon as a Birth Card

Trust your emotional wisdom and intuitive hunches while navigating unclear, mysterious terrain. Avoid undue escapism, fantasy or withdrawal from life’s messiness.

the sun as a birth card women by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beaut 1 1

The Sun as a Birth Card

People gravitate to your warm optimism and sincerity. But avoid blind positivism that denies healthy anger, grief or life’s inevitable challenges. Radiate balanced brightness.

judgement as a birth card by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful de 2

Judgement as a Birth Card

You evaluate and analyze thoroughly before reaching conclusions. Stay open to changing your mind as new data presents itself. We keep growing in truth.

the world as a birth cardwith global vision seeing interconnectedness of all beings continue expa 3 1

The World as a Birth Card

You hold global vision seeing interconnectedness of all beings. Continue expanding your capacity to love the diversity of humanity while standing firm in your spiritual values.

Understanding Your Birth Cards

May understanding your Birth Cards through the major arcana above provide keys to unlocking your highest potentials in this incarnation!

The Significance of Birth Cards and How to Calculate Yours

This tarot birth card calculator produces an intriguing personality calculation based on the tarot’s major arcana cards.

By reducing your birth date numbers to one or two cards, you can uncover the overarching themes, lessons, and potentials of your lifetime.

Understanding your tarot Birth Card calculator provides a roadmap to self-discovery and actualizing your highest purpose.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore:

  • What Birth Cards are and why they matter
  • Step-by-step instructions for calculating your Birth Cards
  • Sample Birth Card calculation
  • The significance of Birth Cards and how to interpret theirs
  • How to work with your Birth Cards for growth and fulfillment
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What Are Birth Cards and Why Do They Matter?

Most are familiar with zodiac sun signs based on date of birth. However, Birth Cards take numerology a step further by distilling your whole numerology chart down to one or two major influences.

The tarot’s major arcana consists of 22 cards, with archetypes like The Empress,

The Hermit, and more. When calculated using your birth date details, the cards revealed are believed to shape your personality, challenges, and destiny.

Like the tarot, Birth Cards operate on the premise that cycles and patterns in the human experience reflect universal truths.

Your tarot birth card calculator points to your unique story arc in this lifetime.

Some of the illuminating insights from your Birth Cards include:

  • Primary archetypes and influences
  • Core wounds, fears, false beliefs that limit you
  • Highest potentials awaiting activation
  • The personal growth and liberation waiting for you if you lean into your Cards

So in essence, Birth Cards help you understand who you are, why you struggle in certain ways, and how to become your best self. Their wisdom guides your path to purposeful living.

How to Calculate Your Birth Cards Step-by-Step

  1. Write out your complete birth date, including month, day, century, and year. For example: January 19, 1989.
  2. Convert the month to a number: January = 1.
  3. Add the digits of the day, month, century, and year together into one large number. From our example, this would be:

1 (month) + 1 + 9 (day) + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 (year) = 38

  1. If the number is greater than 22, reduce by adding the digits further until you reach a number between 1-22. Since 38 reduces to 2+3 = 5, no further reduction is needed.

**Important: the major arcana includes cards 1 through 21. It does not contain a zero or 22. So if your digits reduce to 22, this equates to zero, The Fool card.

Do a final reduction to get a number 1 through 21.

Many sources say you can have The Fool as a Birth Card, but The Fool is number zero and represents the beginning of the journey vs. a personality archetype.

  1. Match your final reduced number(s) to their corresponding major arcana card. From our January 19 example above, the Birth Card is the 5, The Hierophant.
  2. If your full birth date reduces to more than one number, read the meanings of both Cards together. They represent dual influences.

Sample Birth Card Calculation

Let’s walk through another sample Birth Card calculation using the birthday March 7, 1950:

March = 3
7 (day)
1 + 9 + 5 + 0 (year)

3 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 0 = 25

Since 25 is greater than 22, we reduce further:
2 + 5 = 7

Therefore, the Birth Card for someone born March 7, 1950 is The Chariot, card #7.

The Significance of Birth Cards

So what does The Chariot card reveal about someone born on March 7, 1950? Here are some of the high-level interpretations:

The Chariot Card Meanings

  • Active, ambitious, driver personality
  • High motivation and determination
  • Possible control issues around impulsiveness
  • Learning moderation for goals and balance in life
  • Harnesses opposites into a powerful force

As you can see, Birth Cards speak to central parts of who you are, what you need to overcome, and using your abilities mindfully. They are an invaluable tool for self-awareness and actualization.

Some additional examples of Birth Card meanings include:

tarot birth card calculator The Empress (Card #3):

You are deeply connected to Mother Earth, valuing home, relationships and abundance. Learn to set loving boundaries.

tarot birth card calculator Strength (Card #8):

You have great fortitude in overcoming challenges. But don’t let perseverance become entitlement or aggression. Cultivate compassion.

tarot birth card calculator The Hermit (Card #9):

Your inner light guides you on a solitary spiritual path. Be mindful of alienating others and believing only you hold the answers. We need community.

How to Work With Your tarot Birth Card calculator

Below are some key ways to actively understand and learn from your tarot Birth Card calculator:

  • Study their core meanings. How do these archetypes and attributes apply to you?
  • Reflect on the weaknesses or shadow aspects. How have you experienced those destructive patterns? This builds self-awareness.
  • Identify the highest potentials and how to embody them through positive choices.
  • Notice when your Cards’ energy intensifies during significant years, chapters or events of your life. There may be special lessons or gifts there.
  • Journal about challenges and growth opportunities relative to your Cards. What actions help activate your highest self?
  • Share your Cards with trusted confidants who can validate and enlighten blindspots. We often see ourselves less clearly than others do.

Tarot Birth Cards offer an incredible foundation for understanding your soul’s curriculum in this lifetime. Learning their teachings allows you to become who you truly are.

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How to calculate your Tarot birth cards

To calculate your Tarot birth cards, without your free tarot birth card calculator.

You first need to determine your birth date and add up the numbers in that date.

For example, if you were born on June 15, 1990, you would add 6 (for June), 1+5 (for the day), and 1+9+9+0 (for the year) to get a total of 26. 

Next, reduce the total number to a single digit by adding the individual digits together. In this case, 2+6=8.

Once you have your single digit number, look up the corresponding tarot card in a Tarot deck or online.

The first card represents your primary birth card, while the second card represents your secondary birth card.

For example, if your single digit number was 8, your primary birth card would be Strength and your secondary birth card would be Justice. 

Tarot Birth Card Calculator

Tarot birth card calculator is a tool that helps you determine your birth cards in tarot based on your birthdate.

By using this birth tarot card calculator, you can find out which tarot cards represent your personality traits and your approach to life.

Your birth cards can provide insights into the life lessons you are meant to learn and the challenges you may face on your journey through life.

These tarot birth cards are determined by adding the two digits of your birthdate together to get a two-digit number, which corresponds to a tarot card number.

Each person has two tarot birth cards, one representing their personal and emotional traits (the first birth card) and the other representing their soul and spiritual path (the second birth card).

Once you have determined your tarot birth cards, you can explore the meaning of each card and how they combine to influence your life.

The combination of your birth cards can provide valuable insights into your personality and life purpose.

By understanding the energies and lessons associated with each cardunderstanding of yourself and your path in the world of tarot.

Whether you are new to tarot and your free tarot birth card calculator or have been studying it for years, the birth card calculator can help you discover the significance of your tarot birth cards and how they shape your life.

abstract tarot birth cards calculator picture of a woman with a tarot birth card calculator

Learn tarot, get free tarot readings, and more

Are you interested in learning more about tarot and how it can provide insight into your life?

With resources like your tarot birth card calculator, tarot school and tarot classes, you can enhance your understanding of this ancient practice.

One way to explore the world of tarot is by discovering your birth cards, which are determined by your birth date.

By using a tarot birth card calculator, you can find out which cards represent your identity and approach to life.

This tarot birth tarot card calculator combination can offer valuable insights into your path in life and your outlook on life.

By adding the two digits of your birth date together, you can calculate your birth cards, which range from 0 to 21.

For example, if your sum is a three-digit number, you would continue to add the digits until you reached a two-digit number.

By understanding the meanings of the tarot birth card calculator and the cards, like The Hanged Man and The Empress, you can uncover your inner strengths and resourcefulness.

Once you have determined one of your birth cards, you can use a tarot birth card calculator to find your second birth card, as some people may have three birth cards instead of two.

The tarot birth card calculator can provide insight into how the combination of two or more cards influences your personality and life path.

By exploring tarot card birthday calculators, you can further deepen your knowledge of your birth cards and how they connect to your soul card.

Just like zodiac signs, the tarot birth card calculator offer a unique perspective on your strengths and weaknesses, helping you navigate life with clarity and purpose.

tarot birth card calculator by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful d 2

Find your Tarot birth cards with this free Numerology calculator. Your Life Path & Destiny number correspond to specific Tarot Cards.

Discover your birth cards tarot with the help of this free tarot birth card calculator ie…numerology calculator.

By finding your Life Path and Destiny number, you can determine which specific Tarot Cards correspond to your birth arcana.

Each birth card has its own unique meanings and significance, revealing insights into your personal path and life’s challenges.

You can use Your tarot birth card calculator by adding the digits of your birth date together to generate your birthday tarot card.

This will help you uncover your tarot card birth card and determine which three birth cards are associated with you.

tarot birth card calculator by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful d 6 1

From there, you can explore the card pairs and card combinations to gain a deeper understanding of the tarot card that influences your soul and destiny.

Start by breaking down your birth date into four two-digit numbers and adding the first two digits together, along with the third digit. If the sum is a number 19, it reduces to a single digit within the major arcana tarot card.

tarot birth card calculator by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful d 6 1

This method combines elements of astrology and numerology to reveal your personal path within the major arcana. By discovering each of your birth cards and what they mean, you can gain insight into the card combination that influences your journey in life.

man wearing all white with open books in front of him is tarot birth card calculator

What Do My Tarot Birth Cards Mean?

What Do My Tarot Birth Cards Mean? If you’re wondering about the significance of your birth cards tarot calculator, look no further.

Your birth tarot card meanings can provide insight into your personality, inner strengths, and challenges you may face.

To find out what your birth cards are, you can use a tarot card calculator birthday or tarot card birth calculator.

By entering your birth date tarot card into the calculator, you can calculate tarot birth card and determine the hanged man and empress birth cards that correspond to your core identity and approach.

Simply enter your birthday, add the two digits together, and reduce the sum to a two-digit number.

This number can then be used to find your first birth card and soul card tarot calculator, which outlines your star signs and what is my birth card.

Once you find your first birth card by adding the two digits together and reducing it to another two-digit number, you can then learn how to calculate the digit by adding the two together to find your first birthday tarot card calculator.

free tarot birth cards calculator in a picture

For example, if your sum is 19, it reduces to another two-digit number, such as 3 or 10.

The 9 gives you 10, so you would add those numbers together to find your first birth card 16 or what are your tarot birth cards.

Every card in the arcana chart calculator holds significance and can provide valuable insights into your core identity and approach.

For a more in-depth analysis, be sure to check out our in-depth resources on what are my birth cards tarot.

tarot birth card calculator by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful d 3

Purchases of our tarot decks help us keep our free resources running.

Purchases of our tarot decks help us keep our free resources running.

When you use your tarot birth tarot calculator or birthday tarot calculator to discover what are my birth tarot cards calculator, you are supporting our mission to provide valuable insights into your birth tarot cards.

By purchasing one of our decks, you can uncover what is my birth tarot card or what is my birthday tarot card, such as the magician, wheel of fortune, or high priestess, based on your date of birth.

Each card outlines your core identity and offers guidance for your journey. Your hermit or 3 birth card may hold special significance, and by supporting us, you ensure that our 19 reduces to another two-digit calculations remain available to all.

Learning About Hindu Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology

Learning About Hindu Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology offers a unique perspective on understanding the influence of celestial bodies on human lives.

Both systems rely on the positions of planets and stars to predict individual destinies and provide guidance on various aspects of life.

In Hindu Vedic Astrology, dd and yy play a crucial role in determining one’s characteristics and life path.

The emphasis is on spiritual growth and karma, with a focus on past-life deeds affecting the present and future.

Western Astrology, on the other hand, focuses on the psychological aspects of an individual’s personality and how it may impact their choices and relationships.

By studying both systems, one can gain a more well-rounded understanding of themselves and the world around them.

tarot birth card calculator by jacob lawrence and francis picabia perfect composition beautiful d 4 1

Tarot card Birth Card Summary

As we’ve explored, Birth Cards are two major arcana cards representing the overriding themes and trajectories of your life purpose.

Calculated from numerology and matched to corresponding cards, they provide a roadmap to self-knowledge and awakening your highest potentials.

Knowing your Birth Card meanings facilitates profound personal growth – revealing both the inner wounds to heal and the higher self to embody for a fulfilling destiny.

Your soul speaks volumes through these cards.

I invite you to try calculating now – you may be surprised just how accurately these archetypes capture your struggles and aspirations.

Understanding your Birth Cards provides the keys to self-actualizing your purpose in this incarnation.


Written and Edited by All Signs Tarot Staff with input and content provided by Artificial intelligence AI chat and assistants from Google Gemini Advanced Open AI Chat GPT and Anthropnic AI ie.. Claude AI

All the pictures, art , and illustrations are made through All Signs Tarot prompts to Playground AI image generator at

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